Hazlet and it's Heritage

This space is to celebrate our community's legacy and continue our history with virtual connections! 
Share local or family history or connect with the community and stay in touch!

We are already planning for Hazlet's 100th Year Celebration - stay in touch by subscribing to our newsletter.

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Photo Submission


One of my favourite photos from Hazlet's archives.

Phyllis Robertson riding the train to Verlo and back to Hazlet.

Downtown Train Station - Fall 2023


Thanks to government funding our downtown greenspace has been updated!

Hazlet EDC moved a portion of the original Hazlet no. 16 train station back to Hazlet in 2012 - and for many years have been plotting and fundraising to improve the building for community use. Thanks to funding through the Canadian Community Revitalization Fund Hazlet EDC recieved a grant for $45000 to complete a new addition to the space - the completion of the project was celebrated on Sept 26th 2023 with a Culture Days event featuring live music and a free supper!

Family Update


New member to the Alliban Family!

Dean Alliban and Blair Duggan welcomed a new daughter June 8th, 2023: Gwen Eleanor Alliban

Virtual History Board Submission

The community of Hazlet is proud to showcase our region's history - to share a historical fact or family update please upload your information here. Periodically our 'Hazlet and it's Heritage' page will be updated with any information shared and approved. Want to submit a photo? Please email to hazletedc@gmail.com and reference your submission.

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